Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Month May 2023

Settlement Project President Speaks with Radio Host David Hernandez

On April 29, 2023, Settlement Project President, Dr. Frank Kaufmann appeared on David Hernandez's LA Hispanic Republican Club Program of Radio 870 "The Answer." David Hernandez, Chairman of LA Hispanic Republican Club was joined by co-host Emilio Martinez to discuss The Settlement Project and its conference from earlier that day, current issues in American society, and other hot topics of interest.

Hopes and Dangers: The Future of Technology

WHEN IS TECH GOOD, WHEN IS TECH BAD The punchline is always this: To the extent that humans are impulsively driven by compassion and concern for others and for the good of the whole there is not a single prospective technological or digital breakthrough that bodes ill in its own right. To the extent that humans are impulsively driven for self-gain with others and the good of the whole as expendable in the equation, even the most primitive industrial/technological development is to be feared.