Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Settlement Project Hosts Conference for Patriots and Activists in Irvine, CA

The Settlement Project with several hosts and sponsors convened a one-day meeting among 42 serious and distinguished participants from across the USA.

On Saturday, March 26, 2022, The Settlement Project with several hosts and sponsors convened a one-day meeting among 42 serious and distinguished participants from across the USA. (West Coast, NYC, MD, VA, more). The event was held as part of “The Settlement Project’s continued work to support American ideals and freedom for all people.” 

Basic Conference Concept

The concept and design of the meeting can be seen in the conference invitation. The investment was made so as to gather activists and patriots to work, learn, and to meet and form bonds with one another. Settlement meetings help create and improve continued work and collaboration for good.

Conference Agenda

Morning sessions focused on domestic concerns (Medical Rights, Parents Rights, and Election Integrity). Hosts catered lunch for guests to relax, engage in personal meetings, and network for the sake of continued work for the mission. Afternoon sessions focused on international affairs and threats to national and world stability (The History of Ideological and Spiritual Conflict, the CCP, and Russia-Ukraine).

Sessions combined presentations by key speakers, expert response and commentary, and ample time for conversation and further learning through questions and answers. 

The plan and events of the day can be seen in the conference agenda.

Conference Images

Please visit this link to see images from the meeting.

Information and Content

Videos and transcripts of the presentations and valuable information from the day are forthcoming. Please sign up to receive alerts for these and other important updates from The Settlement Project

Become a Member

The meeting was a good success. There will be more, and there will be a growth of activity and work arising from our plans. Please sign up for The Settlement Project Newsletter or write us at [email protected] to be kept abreast of ongoing work in this unique niche created and achieved through our December meeting. and to involve yourself or your organization in shared work to support these critical ideals.

Please donate to The Settlement Project if you can, if you’d like.