Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Events

My Speech to the Jamaica Muslim Center Interfaith Meeting

I described three areas of international war or conflict: Russia-Ukraine. Hamas-Israel. and Tensions over Taiwan and the South China Sea.I explained that each of the three are different. Russian-Ukraine is “internecine,” an “in-family” fight. All are Orthodox and Slavs. Hamas-Israel is civilizational between two world communities with religious ties: Western “Judeo-Christian” civilization, and Islamic civilization. The Pacific conflict has two cultures and two roots. Asian culture versus Western Culture, and Religious culture versus Marxist culture.I suggested that this level and intensity of war and conflict is greater than any of us have lived through in our lifetime.

Proud Days as an American

This podcast analyzes the recent, four days, fifteen vote process to elect Representative Kevin McCarth (R-CA) as Speaker of the House for the 118th session of the United States Congress, despite initial opposition from Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla) and the Freedom Caucus of the Republican Party.